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Adult Acne & Spots: Our Solutions


You might think that spots are something left behind after puberty along with crimped hair and unrequited crushes, but adult acne actually affects 1 in 20 women in their twenties and thirties. Our skin is the largest organ in our body, so it is vital to take good care of it. Consultant Dermatologist Dr Susan Mayou gives us her top tips on blitzing zits and getting a clear and healthy complexion.

What causes spots?

Under the influence of hormones, excess sebum is produced and the cells which line the pore opening become sticky and blocked causing blackheads and whiteheads. The skin’s bacteria are trapped inside and react with the grease to cause inflammation which results in spots.

Top Tips For Clear Skin

 - Look out for products that contain salicylic acid to help keep pores clear.

- Don’t pick spots as this can lead to further redness, inflammation and infection and can cause the skin to become scarred

- Never go to bed with make up on because this can clog the pores up.

- Find a simple cleansing regime that works for you and stick to it because your skin responds best to a routine

- When you’re cleansing your skin, spend a minute massaging it in gently using a circulation motion. This will boost the circulation and brighten your complexion

- Don’t scrub your skin too hard as this can irritate it, causing redness.

- Regularly exfoliate your skin to get rid of dead skin cells – this will brighten your complexion.

- The problem with some cleansers on the market is that they are quite harsh so even if you have got oily skin, it can cause an irritation. Over drying the skin leads to that taught feeling that we’re all familiar with if we’ve washed the skin with soap and this is because we have compromised the skin’s barrier function.  Clearasil Vitamins & Extracts PerfectaWash is a fantastic cleansing dispenser that delivers the ‘perfect dose’ of cleanser to prevent over cleansing and over drying.

- Don’t give up on a new cleansing regime too soon. The lifespan of an individual spot is about ten days but it takes several weeks for your skin to adjust to a new regime.

COMPANY recommends spot solutions

For spot-on treatment: Anatomicals The Hottie Tottie Is Never Spotty Roll-On Treatment, £4, ASOS (Our Web Ed swears by it!)

For concealing: Witch Anti-Blemish Liquid Concealer, £6.99, Boots

Katy Perry's favourite solution: Proactiv Solution 3 Step System, £39.99, Boots

For a professional cleanse: Clarisonic Mia Skin Cleansing System, £120, Urban Retreat



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