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Q&A With Rae Morris Who Joins Boohoo's "We Are Us" Campaign

The talented singer/songwriter talks us through her what inspires her and her style...

How did you start out in the music industry?

R: I began writing songs when I was 17 years old; I’d played piano since I was very young but didn’t start singing until I wrote my first song. I signed to Atlantic Records the following year and I guess that was my entrance into the industry.

Who are your biggest inspirations?

R: I adore female singer-songwriters. I am constantly astounded by the differences and intricacies of voices and tones, and of subject matter. I love Feist, Cat Power and Kate Bush to name a few.

What festivals are you playing this year?

R: I'm very excited about Bestival. I’ve always wished I could go to that festival. Also Field Day in London which seems very cool and has an incredible line up. Port Merion's Festival Number 6 is also in incredible one. I'm very excited about them all!

If you could play at any festival, which one would it be?

R: Looking forward to Glastonbury this year as it’s been a huge dream of mine as it is of so many musicians. I also love the sound of the Pitchfork Festival and any jazz festivals; they feel the most special and interesting.

Your new single Love Again is out now, what's it all about?

R: I wrote Love Again right at the very end of the process of creating my debut album 'Unguarded'. It was a very crucial time. It was now or never I guess; do everything I can now to make this album be the best it could possibly be. I was looking very hard to find the last song, the last piece of the puzzle.

Describe yourself in three words…

R: Honest, Grounded, Friendly.

If you could perform in any city in the world, where would it be and why?

R: I would love to play a gig in Tokyo! To travel that far and play my music would be so surreal. And I've never been to Japan. So that would be a really momentous occasion.

How would you describe your sound?

R: My music is very emotional and human. I write my songs first and foremost on piano then layer textures that help to bring to live the feelings that I'm putting into the songs. Every song has a life of its own so can sound different. I think it’s very important to let each song breath and never follow a strict formula.

What's on your iPod?

R: I've been listening lots to the new Bjork album. I also have some Jon Hopkins and Unknown Mortal Orchestra. Plus some lovely classical sounds for sleeping in the van on tour.

Very essential! Ultimate summer tune?

R: Milky- Just The Way You Are. It’s such a 90s one hit wonder but I love it and it reminds me of being about 11 going to Cornwall on our family summer camping holidays!

Who do you admire on the scene at the moment?

R: I'm very excited about the new Lucy Rose album that will be coming out this summer. Lucy has been a huge inspiration to me throughout my journey so far. Denai Moore has just released her debut album which is lovely and I've been listening a lot to the new Staves record.

Tell us something we might not know about you…

R: I'm a very tidy person. I like to keep things neat and organised. And clean!


How's your style evolved over the past few years?

R: I've definitely become a little more adventurous. I used to be very vintage when I was in my teens. And I would never dare to wear a dress or a skirt. Now I like to be a little more creative. I love jackets and long dresses, and wide leg baggy trousers with lovely shirts!

What's your favourite item of clothing in your wardrobe?

R: The black lace Burberry dress that I wore to my brother's wedding is very special to me.

If you could have anyone else's wardrobe, whose would it be?

R: There's a very cool new singer-songwriter called Flo Morrissey. She has the most incredible style. I would love to borrow some of her clothes!

You have amazing hair - what's your secret?

R: I don't really have a secret. I never really know how best to control it but I just change my products regularly and try to keep it hydrated. Oils are very good and not washing it too often also helps!



Most used Instagram filter?

R: I'm a big fan of Slumber. Simplicity is key.

Fave person you follow on social media?

R: My friend Fryars is hilarious on Twitter and Instagram. I never really know what he's talking about but that's what makes it so brilliant.

Guilty pleasure?

R: I really love trashy rom com movies and crying to them on long haul flights. Nothing beats that.

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