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Justin Won't Show Us His New Do!

Justin's cut off his long platinum blonde locks! But he's keeping his new hair do under wraps...

When the 21 year old singer posted THIS photo on Instagram:

He made it clear what was coming.

As did Justin's hair stylist who posted THIS shocking pic with the caption: "Wait for it… @justinbieber.”


That's actually a lot of hair, who knew he had THAT much hair in the first place? 


Since then Justin's been reluctant to show off his new hairdo, going to drastic lengths to hide it from us all.

Which is pretty strange, as THIS pic suggests that Bieber's just rockin' a clean shaven cut...

BUT who know's what could be under the hat?

Well we hope it's something spectacular otherwise all this speculation and anticipation has been for nothing.



Words by Yasmeen Ismail 


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