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Kylie Jenner Dyes Hair Aqua Blue!

Kylie Jenner has unleashed her new bright blue aqua hair do!! The pics taken from her Snapchat and Instagram accounts surprised her followers with the insanely colourful and electrifying new look.

Her bright blue flame like hair is a HUGE step up from the mermaid blue colour ombre look she wore in 2014.

The reason for the transformation? Well Kylie captioning her Instagram pic with "'The road trip begins!' which suggests that her new do' has everything to do with Coachella which kicks of this weekend.

The 17 year old then followed up the post of her new controversial hairstyle with THIS pic:

Which has added yet more speculation that she is in fact dating 25 year old rapper, Tyga who performed at the festival last year.

One thing not under speculation is that Kylie is fearless when it comes to her hair style!

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