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Erm, Could These Hi-Tech Pants Replace Tampons For Good?!

If you never feel totally safe from spillages when you're on your period - have we found the perfect product for you.

Thinx are absorbant pants specifically designed for women on their periods to bring peace of mind and a leak-free zone.

As it explains on the website:

"By reimagining feminine hygiene products to provide support, comfort, confidence, and peace of mind, we aim to eliminate shame, empowering women and girls around the world."

The pants come in three different styles, a thong for light days which can hold up to a quarter of a tampon of liquid, a cheeky brief which can hold up to one tampon of liquid and hiphuggers which can hold up to two tampons.

The idea being you can feel safe in the knowledge that any excess period won't leak onto your clothes - you could even be brave enough to leave the house sans tampon/sanitary towel and just let your pants do the absorbing.

Priced between $24 (£15) to $34 (£22), plus delivery, these pants aren't hideous - in fact, you'd do well to tell what their secret powers really were just by looking at them.

Plus, the pants never stain so you can keep washing and using every single month (changing throughout the day not mentioned...) - that's a money and an environment saver (the average woman dumps 240 tampons per year into the sea/landfills).

CEO Miki Agrawal told Forbes: "I want to change the culture around women's most normal time of month — and not while wearing grandma panties or pads that feel like a diaper

"Tampons were invented in 1931 and aside from adhesive strips and wings on pads there hasn't been any major innovation in 85 years. It's time to change that — and to change the taboo."

Words: Jess Edwards

This article first appeared on

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