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The Real Reason Caitlyn Jenner in't Spelling her Name with a 'K'

The Kardashians are known worldwide - and partly for the fact that every single name - Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, Kendall and Kylie (and not forgetting Kris!), all have names beginning with K. And now Bruce Jenner has become Caitlyn - NOT Kaitlyn.

The reason is simple - it’s because she wants to be her own person. Sources close to the 65-year-old told Perez Hilton that being grouped with the rest of the Kardashians would hinder Caitlyn's goal and prevent her from having her own persona and voice.

It's been reported that there is no bad blood at all between Caitlyn and the rest of the Kardashians, it’s just about 'self-identity'. The new name of Caitlyn was revealed on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine - check out the behind the scenes of the shoot here:

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