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Is THIS Singer the New X Factor Judge??


And the rumours surrounding the new X Factor judge continues (yes, this is going on and on and on…) with Simon Cowell reportedly offering Rita Ora a £1.5 million deal to sack off The Voice and join ITV and The X Factor family.

Pretty sweet deal we think, and if it is a) true and b) accepted by Rita, the deal would make her the highest paid judge on the show.

A source at ITV said: "Simon is throwing in the kitchen sink at this to get Rita on board...he has launched an extreme charm offensive". 

A charm offensive that has offered Rita use of his private jet AND “unlimited clothes”, erm forget Rita, where do we sign up?

On 30th March we wrote...

We all know it's been Zayn Malik who's been hitting the headlines following his departure from the world's biggest boy band, but there might be some OTHER major One Direction news about to break, as it's been rumoured that Louis Tomlinson could be recruited as a judge on the next version of X Factor.

There's been speculation that Louis (who has already dipped his toes in the management field by setting up his own company, 78 Productions Ltd at the beginning of this year) could bag himself a seat on the coveted judging panel, especially as he'll have some experience in mentoring a band following his role on Sony's Be in the Band 2015.

What do yo think of the rumours though? Tweet us @companymagazine...

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