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Meet The Bloggers: Girl in Menswear

Meet The Bloggers: Girl in Menswear


Whilst much of the fashion world are already casting their minds forward to next summer with the numerous SS'14 shows that have been happening this month, many of us are only just getting used to the arrival of Autumn and the drop in temperature it’s suddenly brought with it (at least I finally get to wear my new pink coat! Yay!).

As always the arrival of another new season brings along with it another new trend (or two or three or four or...), and for those of you who haven't been able to keep up (still stuck in a sunny Ibiza coma perhaps?) the good news is that you can now read up on all things Autumn/winter '13 in our October issue (out now!) Let me also share with you the look I'll be most coveting this season; a look we've dubbed 'the boy-meets-girl'… Think hounds-tooth and herringbone. Over sized jackets and minimal masculine tailoring. Polished patent brogues and luxe loafers. Of course androgyny is nothing new to fashion but there's an additional element of elegance to this seasons offering which creates a slightly more feminine edge. One lady who knows all about interpreting menswear into her daily wardrobe is Sophia Marinho de Lemos of whose blog bio tells a wonderful yet humorous tale about how her passion for menswear began (I'll let you guys read it - she words it far better than I ever could!) Intrigued by how her style and love for menswear has developed since she began blogging a year ago I invited Sophia into company HQ to share more of an insight with us...

I really like the angle you've given your blog - is having a niche such as yours an important factor to a successful blog?

If I'm honest yes but I think the most important thing is that you identify your voice and that you have an extreme amount of passion for whatever it is you're talking about - you have to really believe it and really live it because eventually it does become your life! First and foremost you should treat your blog as a creative outlet - if you're doing it for any other reasons or you're playing copycat, it just won't work! It has to be something that you really genuinely enjoy as that's what people identify with. After all passion is contentious isn't it?

A lot of the content on your blog focuses on your own interpretation of menswear trends with many posts focusing on your #OOTD - have you ever put together any bad or embarrassing outfits which just didn't work?

I've put together many an embarrassing outfit! I think part of the challenge wearing menswear (especially in my case - I'm only just over 5ft!) is that it's so easy to 'drown' in menswear. One thing I've definitely learnt is that if you're going for the 'boyfriend fit' then go over sized on top or over sized on bottom - don't ever try to attempt to do both! I've also done a few 80s revival attempts in the past which unsurprisingly went horribly wrong! It really doesn't matter though as I think the whole fun of fashion is the experimentation, so you've got to make a few mistakes before you find your own preferred style. It's like art really - when you first pick up a paintbrush you're going to make a few bad brush strokes before you create your masterpiece

So then how do you choose what goes on your blog?

The instant nature of Instagram and Twitter have meant that I have to be a bit more spontaneous and quick thinking with what I communicate with my readers and followers, however normally when I'm creating pictures for my blog its all really thought out and well considered; everything from the photography to the layout to the styling.

I should also point out that at no stage do I pretend to be a model - I'm short and I have a womanly figure so what looks great on the catwalk might not look great on me, but that’s all part of the challenge... I'm actually quite a 'girly-girl' at heart so I guess I'm trying to prove that you can follow the tomboy trend but still look feminine.

You mentioned Twitter and Instagram, both of which you are very vocal on - do you think it's important to use social media alongside blogging?

For sure, although blogging is a lot more of a challenge than people give it credit for - you're basically expected to be a social media manager which is a whole job in itself. And there are so many social media platforms now that you can engage in which as an individual you simply can't manage all - not successfully anyway. You have to make a decision early on as to which ones you're going to utilise and how your voice is going to come through. I owe a lot to Twitter and certain menswear brands championing me on Twitter - that's where I've built up a lot of my audience.

Where's your top Style destination?

I've recently moved to Stockholm and I love it! The Swedes do the androgynous minimalist look like no other - they wear it brilliantly

Who are your current fave menswear brands?

I love Gant Rugger - they're cool and they're preppy and they have a great story behind them (their head designer is actually a woman which is pretty cool too!) The clothes fit really well and are fantastic quality.

Also since London Collections: Men began I have been watching Agi and Sam very closely (everyone in the menswear world has I think!) Often menswear has a sense of humour, and Agi and Sam are a great example of this - they don't take themselves too seriously and so often the end product is actually a bit more exciting!

What's your must-have menswear inspired piece for the new season?

I love the double-strapped monk shoe. Alexa Chung has been at the forefront of championing the tomboy trend and has been wearing the monks for a while but I'm glad they've finally become a bit more mainstream now and so are slightly more accessible.

The other thing I always love about autumn is the amazing chunky knits and heavy outerwear - particularly in this seasons muted colour palette.  This, along with fine tailoring and certain fabrics such as tweed and herringbone checks (all things that previously have been reserved mostly for menswear) are all very much present in the womenswear market for this season too - it's the beginning of a new sartorial elegance. Now it's 'cool' to be well dressed or 'dapper' if you will and to take pride in your appearance. Personally I think the scruffy unkempt look (in both menswear and womenswear) is on its way out - everything's becoming a lot more polished.

Whose style do you admire?

I love Alexa Chung, the Olsen twins, Chloë Sevigny - They've all got great style. There are a lot of very well dressed women out there who I can spend hours looking at in pictures, however where I often get inspiration from for my own style are male fashion bloggers such as Garçon Jon, These cavemen, School Boy Couture and Mr Flyy (he's always wearing hats!) I like to take what it is they're doing and give it a bit of a feminine twist.

Want to hear more from Sophia - Catch her in our November issue sharing her top tips on how to wear this winters hottest menswear - to- womenswear staple.

Sarah Barlow

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