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Why Jared Leto Might Have Been the Best Dressed at the OSCARs

"If it's wrong to have a style crush on a guy, then I don't care, because Jared Leto is on a ROLL at the mo! From his ombre locks (find out why our web editor is stealing his style) to the natty combos he's putting together on the red carpet, we wonder if cross-dressing has given him a new love of clothes!

At the Oscars 2014, there were loads of red carpet dresses we loved - but for me it was all abut the Leto. White tux jacket? Check (white is so on trend this for SS14). patent shoes? Check. Ribbon side-stripe trews? Check. A-Mazing hair? Check.

Plus, did I forget to mention how hot he is? Yep, it's the full package people. Watch this space for more Jared-shaped style inspo, I'm tellin' ya...."

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