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Tissues Girls: Ryan Gosling Eats His Cereal in Toucing Tribute

We didn't think Ryan Gosling could get any better in our eyes, but he's only gone and done it!

Since 2013 Ryan McHenry has been making vines of Ryan just refusing to eat his cereal. The hillarious clips went viral and we've been loving them ever since

Sadly the creator of those viral videos has passed away after battling bone cancer. And he was only 27. It's heartbreaking! 


But after years of trying to get Gosling to eat his cereal, he has finally done it. The actor posted this vine on Twitter yesterday and wrote:

''My heart goes out to all of Ryan McHenry’s family and friends. Feel very lucky to have been apart of his life in some small way.''

The new father raises his spoon in honour of McHenry, and we just can't get over how sweet it is!

Rest In Peace Ryan McHenry


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