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#Read It and Tweet: April 2013



Ask yourself, how many really good books have you read in the last year? We don’t mean kinda-liked-it good, but brilliant-can’t-stop-thinking-about-it good. Exactly! And with so-called 'chick-lit' sales down 10% in the last year, it seems female authors are no longer being taken seriously.

We reckon that’s unfair – because so many brilliant novels are written by women. In our #readitandtweet campaign, we want you to seek a world outside books with pink covers...

So in our #readitandtweet guide to fab books written by women, Company staffers, and some other familiar faces, share the novels they've loved.

Even better, all of these books are available on the iBookstore too! Tweet @companymagazine your own recommendations using #readitandtweet and join our mission to let the world know about the amazing world of female fiction – it’s chick lit, but not as you know it!


Alone Together by Sherry Turkle

Girls Star Alison Williams:

“It’s about technology and what the next generation of kids will be like. I’m not ready to become a parent but it’s got me mentally creating rules like no cell phones at the dinner table. Using iPads comes so naturally to kids – it’s terrifying!”


Buy Alone Together on Amazon here


The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult


 An emotional tale about a young girl who is asked by an old man to kill him. Will he convince her to do the deed?


By The Storyteller on Amazon here


Ghana Must Go by Taiye Selasi


The world’s been waiting for this debut novel about a Ghanaian surgeon, his wife and their four children whose lives fall apart in one evening.


Buy Ghana Must Go on Amazon here


The Round House by Louise Erdrich


A teenager is investigating his mother’s assault – this book has been called a modern day To Kill a Mockingbird


Buy The Round House on Amazon here


Alif The Unseen by G Willow Wilson


About a boy who can become invisible.


Buy Alif The Unseen on Amazon here


Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling


Buy Casual Vacancy on Amazon here


The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey


Buy The Snow Child on Amazon here


To The Moon And Back by Jill Mansell


Buy To The Moon And Back on Amazon here

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