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Which Glee character are you?

Would you tap dance home after a night out Rachel style or power walk up hill just for fun like Sue Sylvester? Maybe you’d cheer even when you’re crying and channel some Quinn attitude or are you more the sweet and sensitive Emma type?

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1. Your favourite Lady Gaga/Pixie Lott/ Taylor Swift song comes on the radio when you’re alone in your bedroom, do you:
Pick up your hair brush and lip sync in front of the mirror while dreaming of performing at the O2
Brush the creases out of your clothes and sing along hoping no one accidently overhears you
Choreograph a dance routine and mix in a few high kicks and hair flicks
Jump on the treadmill and sweat it out, this track gets your blood pumping
2. As you’re having a coffee with friends, your bag is swiped by an opportunist thief, you can see him running into the distance, what do you do?
Accept that it’s gone and learn the lesson to always keep an eye on your bag
Cry and think of all the makeup, designer key ring and credit cards you’ve lost
You don’t have to do anything, one of your hot guy friends has already caught up with him
Sprint after him and take that man down - no-one takes your Mulberry
3. It’s a hangover day and all you can muster up the strength to do is stretch out on the sofa, what TV show do you watch?
Britain’s Got Talent and So You Think You Can Dance
How clean is your house?
Gossip Girl, America’s Next Top Model or Keeping Up With The Kardashians
WFF Smackdown
4. You have to do a group presentation at work/uni/college when it comes to speaking how do you feel?
In my element, I can’t believe everyone is going to listen to what I have to say
Hot and flustered and I hope my dress isn’t too creased
Nervous but that energy means I’ll do a good job
Like I was born to do this, just hand me the megaphone...
5. Have you ever cheated when you’ve been in a relationship – casual or committed?
Cheating is inexcusable, I’d never, ever do it
No, but I have betrayed the sisterhood and snogged a guy who wasn’t single
Yes and it was with the boy’s friend - I don’t feel that bad about it
Relationships? Who needs them, I like to play on the single field
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